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Haida 150 Series Red Diamond ND3.6 (4000x) - HD4375

-Compatible with Haida 150 Filter Holder

-3.6 neutral density filter darkens the image, allowing you to photograph with a longer shutter speed or wider aperture than normally required

-Providing a 12-stop exposure reduction, this filter allows you to control depth of field and convey movement more easily

-Filter does not affect coloration of the image and is ideal for use with other filters

-Shock-resistant optical glass construction

-10 layers of anti-reflective nano coatings on each glass surface prevent internal ghosting and reflections, while further enhancing clarity and color fidelity

-10 additional scratch-resistant hydrophobic coatings on each glass surface further protect the filter substrate and result in an improved beading effect when in contact with water or oil for greater cleaning efficiency

-Rounded edges for easier placement within a compatible filter holder slot

-When combined with a compatible filter holder, included gasket helps to prevent light from coming in between the filter and the lens behind it, which can have an unwanted effect on exposure

-Metallic filter case for storage and transport
Filter Haida 150 Series Red Diamond ND3.6 (4000x) - HD4375 adalah filter ND dengan faktor filter 4000x yang memberikan pengurangan eksposur 12 stop. Ini kompatibel dengan Haida 150 Filter Holder, dan kerapatan 3,6-nya menciptakan penggelapan seluruh gambar, memungkinkan Anda memotret dengan aperture yang lebih lebar atau kecepatan rana yang lebih lambat dari biasanya. Dengan meningkatkan apertur atau memperlambat waktu pencahayaan, Anda dapat mengontrol kedalaman bidang dan menyampaikan gerakan dengan lebih mudah. Filter kepadatan netral tidak memengaruhi pewarnaan gambar dan ideal untuk dipasangkan dengan filter lain.
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